. * * ********************************************************************** * ** This file contains translations stored in translatewiki.net. ** * ** See https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Project:About for information ** * ** on copyright/license for translatewiki.net translations. ** * ********************************************************************** * ** ** * ** DO NOT UPDATE MANUALLY ** * ** ** * ** To improve a translation please visit http://translatewiki.net ** * ** Detailed instructions on how to create or update translations at ** * ** http://www.mantisbt.org/wiki/doku.php/mantisbt:translationshowto ** * ********************************************************************** */ /** Zazaki (Zazaki) * * See the qqq 'language' for message documentation incl. usage of parameters * To improve a translation please visit http://translatewiki.net * * @ingroup Language * @file * * @author 1917 Ekim Devrimi * @author Asmen * @author Erdemaslancan * @author Gambollar * @author Gorizon * @author Gırd * @author Kumkumuk * @author Mirzali * @author Orbot707 */ $s_directionality = 'ltr'; 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